The Great Commission of helping others, and Restoration Involvement Project INC is going into the heart of our community. Mission Statement: The cornerstone of RIP: To assist in developing, reinventing life skills that focus on work ethics in all prospective clients while preparing them to be a positive impact on society in whichever endeavor they desire to pursue. RIP’s intent is compassion for God’s people. RIP’s focuses are to serve those Teens within Atlanta Metro. TRIP collaborating with the school system and Churches as follows: a. Teen Restoration Involvement Project: Teens Club focuses on (ATTITUDE, ATTENDANCE, ACCOUNTABILITY, ACADEMICS)
Concept of Restoration Involvement Project: Teen Activity Donations School 2023-2024 a. Any amount will do a campaign. Your donation will support teens during these trying times. Your donations are also a tax write-off.
Your participation will ensure the successful execution of this outreach. b. Monetary/Financial donations “Any Amount Will Do!”
(Collected via Zelle for contributions)